Nepal Expedition - Fall 2005


Himalaja Nepal Flag

Fotos from the Trek:
20.10.2005 (2 pics)
21.10.2005 (86 pics)
22.10.2005 (96 pics)
23.10.2005 (115 pics)
24.10.2005 (92 pics)
25.10.2005 (78 pics)
26.10.2005 (32 pics)
27.10.2005 (47 pics)
28.10.2005 (41 pics)
29.10.2005 (1 pics)
30.10.2005 (2 pics)
31.10.2005 (45 pics)
01.11.2005 (49 pics)
02.11.2005 (34 pics)
03.11.2005 (47 pics)
04.11.2005 (28 pics)
05.11.2005 (30 pics)
06.11.2005 (56 pics)
07.11.2005 (102 pics)
08.11.2005 (12 pics)
Heart rate charts (5 charts)
Team fotos:
by Jari (164 pics)
Videos by Jari:
Kathmandu 5,4 Mb (*.wmv)
Kathmandu 14,3 Mb(*.mpg)
Phakding 1,9 Mb (*.wmv)
Phakding 4,4 Mb(*.mpg)
...more to come...

-Nepal - Wikipedia
-Nepal - Trekking
-Nepal - lonely planet
-Everest BC Clinic
-Katmandun Suomen Suurlähetystö

-Nepalese Khukuri
Three week trekking trip to Nepal 20.10.-08.11.2005. Planned route: Katmandu - Lukla - Phakding (2652m) - Namche Bazaar (3446m) - Tengboche (3867m) - Pangboche (3860m) - Pheritse (4252m) - Dhukla (4620m) - Lobuche (4930m) - Gorekshep, Kala Pattar (5600m) - Mt. Everest Base Camp (5245m) - Tengboche - Namche Bazaar - Lukla - Bhaktapur - Katmandu


Nepal pictures
Click on the photolinks at right to see more pictures.

jukka.talja (at)